Cambridge-Sprachreise 2014

April, 2014 | 5a/5b students

Dear members of the FFG!

We would like to thank you for your generous financial support. It enabled some of us to take part in this language course and experience the English way of life. We really had an awesome time in Cambridge and London and we did and saw many things. And apart from that we spoke English most of the time and experienced life at an English home. Many things took us by surprise, especially the fact that they live in very small houses and that TV plays an important part in their everyday life. It is usually switched on whenever someone is at home even though it is often just running in the background. On the whole, English people are very polite and helpful. One of their favourite habits is queuing. That’s an advantage for elderly, young and handicapped people. However, for us it was sometimes difficult to make out the queue.

Actually, you can find out more about our stay in Cambridge and London on our internet website: